Wednesday, July 1, 2009

IVF Dr. Appt 3 7/1/09

This morning we had another routine ultrasound and bloodwork. Everything is going along well. The ultrasound technician had to do my ultrasound today instead of Dr. Haddad. She said that I had 13 developing eggs on one side and more than that on the other side. This is a good thing, but I need to take in more protein to keep from having overstimulation. I came home and ate some almonds and toast with peanut butter. Just going to have to monitor to make sure I am eating enough protein over the next week.

I just got a phone call from the doc's office telling me that everything is progressing on schedule. I am continuing with the 112.5 cc of Gonal RF pen along with the 12mg of Menupor. That is the shots that I mix together in the evening and inject in my stomach. I also am starting another med today. At noon everyday, I have to give myself an injection in the stomach of another premixed solution called Ganirelix Acetate. I did the first one a few minutes ago so we will see what effect it has on me.

I am feeling ok overall. I have had a major headache since last Friday when we started the injections. Each day seems a little better as my body gets used to the up and downs of the hormones. My stomach is tender from all the injections. This is the one time I am thankful for the extra weight in the gut area.....that extra fat is a lot easier to stick with a needle :). From the looks of everything we should be ready for the egg retreival around the 8th of July and then putting them back in around the 11th. Those are just approximate dates right now. We will have to wait and see what each appointment looks like up to then. I go back on Friday for another ultrasound and bloodwork. This one should tell us a lot more about where we are at on the schedule. I only have 6 injections of the new meds so I am sure we are close to egg retreival time. I am getting pretty excited. I have full faith in God that this is going to work this time. I am going to keep a positive attitude this whole time. Please keep praying that everything stays on track!


  1. more protein? go to fogo de chao, all you can eat brazilian meat. you'll have no problem filling up on protein there! praying that everything goes well! :)

  2. sounds encouraging girl! yyyyyaaaahhhh!!!
