Tuesday, July 7, 2009

IVF Dr. Appts 5 & 6 (7/6/09 and 7/7/09)

I had a routine appointment yesterday, but because we are so close the doctor wanted to see me again today. I am waiting on the bloodwork results to know the exact plan for the egg retreival. I am pretty sure when they call, they will tell me to do the HCG shot tonight and that we will retreive the eggs on Thursday.

On a good note, the headaches have gotten A LOT better. I have been able to control them somewhat and at least tolerate them. I actually forget sometimes that I have one. I didn't know how much more of the headache and blurred vision I could handle. Lately, I have been feeling naseaus at times but it goes pretty quick. Yesterday, I started having some of the signs the it was time for ovulation (which is when they do the egg retreival). I have been feeling bloated a lot and my stomach is tender. I am guessing this is because the eggs are developing. My boobs have also started being very tender.

I am getting nervous and excited about the egg retreival. I am even more anxious about putting them back in. I have had the greatest feeling the last couple days about this. I am definately keeping the positive attitude and can't wait to hear the news that I am FINALLY pregnant.....it will be one of the happiest days of my life :)


  1. Girl, you are going to get pregnant this time. I can feel it. You and Chris have been through too much not to. I know that I keep teasing you about having sextuplets but I know even if it did happen, they would have the best mom in the world. Even if she ends up in psych ward...lol You know that I love you and am constantly saying prayers that this works out and that I get alot of time to spoil my niece(s). If you need me, you know what to do. I love you Brat.

  2. Laci, I am hoping the best for you and Chris through this trying time! I really hope that you are given the gift of being a parent this time. Working with you at the daycare showed how much your heart was in it for the children and how great of a mother you WILL be. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope God shines his light down on you day in and day out!


  3. Laci,

    Do you know how many eggs they are going to fertilize? How many are you going to have implanted? Praying for you and Chris, and I want to be one of the first to know the news!
