Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bed Rest and Cramping

Today is day 2 1/2 of bed rest. My back is killing me from laying flat so much. I am ready to be able to sit up at least. I keep moving from side to side and shifting my legs around to keep the pressure off of my back. I have used the heating pad and adjusted pillows in all directions. I thought that 3 days of bedrest would be no problem. I mean who wouldn't like just laying around for 3 days? Well it is not all it is cracked up to be. I wouldn't mind if I could sit up or get up and walk around every once in a while. I have had to stay on the couch even at night. I can't sleep on my stomach and I normally do. I was scared if I went to sleep in our bed that I would end up on my stomach without even knowing it.

This morning I woke up and did my normal routine of using the bathroom, brushing my teeth, washing my face, and brushing my hair. I layed back down and Chris brought me a bowl of cereal. As I continue laying here, my stomach started having a slight cramping. It doesn't hurt, but it is noticeable and uncomfortable. It is in the upper left side of my stomach, which is where they deposited the embryos. Of course I have researched so much on the computer.....because I have nothing better to do all day :) Some of the websites say that a slight cramping is a good sign of implantation. LORD I PRAY THAT THIS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW! Then of course you have to see the bad ones too. Some say that it can be due to laying flat for extended times, pulling a muscle when getting up since the muscles are not being used right now, or even a possible miscarriage. GOD I PRAY THAT IS NOT WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!!!! I can't help but be scared. I am so used to being in control and having everythign planned out. I have done so much better at letting that go lately, but this is 100% out of my control and it is hard to just let it go. I want to trust God and give it all to Him. Just as I think that I have and feel peace that He is handeling it all, I get that feeling in my gut of all the times I have been let down before with negative pregnancy tests. This is truely the hardest thing I have ever been through. I have tried and tried to be so strong, but I am breaking. I still have two weeks to wait for the test and I am going to go insane by then. I try to play the strong role and not let on to too many people h0w I am really feeling. It is much easier to write it on here than to actually talk about it. I never thought it would be this hard. I just pray for a positive outcome as well as strength to make it through to get the news.


  1. Hey Girl. I am hoping for the Implantation as well!! Since I teach child development, I was aware of all the signs when I got pregnant as well. I had the cramping and spotting and it hurt..and low and behold..I was pregnant. I knew at about 3 weeks when I was pregnant because of the symptoms. I am so hoping it is the result!!!! Im continuing the thoughts and prayers! Stay strong! It will be so worth it in the end :D What a story you will have for your children!

  2. Laci,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and Chris during this time. I wish you all the luck in the world. I too had cramping and spotting with both my girls. Good Luck. I hope you get the results you have hoped and dreamed for all this time.

  3. The good news is that in order to have cramping with a miscarriage you first have to be pregnant. Your embryo's have not been in long enough to emplant and then have a misscarriage have they? I don't think so, so my vote is implantation :) Yeah for implantation cramping.

    As for the GOING CRAZY while waiting for results. Uggg :( Totally not fun, so we are praying for you. Keep us posted, and we love reading your blog.
