Saturday, July 11, 2009

Anxiously Waiting For Implantation Time

Friday was an easy day. I woke up feeling sooooo much better. I had some spotting and cramping throught the day, but nothing like I felt right after the egg retreival. I was suprised at how good I was feeling.

I got a phone call last night about the next step. We will be putting the embryos in on Tuesday morning. I won't know until Monday sometime as to the exact time. I will have to be on complete bedrest from Tuesday through Thursday. This is going to be hard. I can only get up to go to the bathroom. I can sit up no more than two pillows under my head. I have to even eat at that angle. They told me that I could sit up at a table to eat for a VERY short time, but since we don't even have a table right now, I won't be doing that. The doctor really didn't want me to anyway. I am doing everything exactly as they tell me because I do not want to risk anything. We retreived 24 eggs and they injected each of them with the donor sperm. 18 took......that is A LOT!!!!!! I couldn't believe it when they told me how many. We thought maybe 8 or 9 would take, but 18....oh geez!

Today I start taking another pill. I am now taking an antibiotic, vitamin supplement of folic acid, and the new med. I will also start progesterone injections. I will do these injections until we take the pregnancy test. We are looking to take the test around the 28th. I will go back in for bloodwork every other day after I am off bed rest. I never imagined how complicated all of this is, but I will do whatever it takes to be able to have a little miracle of my own. I think about how amazing it is that I get this opportunity to do this. Years ago, they didn't have the research and technology that they have now to even do this process. Many people have asked why I go through this instead of just adopting. I have thought about adoption and it is an awesome thing. It is important for me to be pregnant and to carry a baby. I want to do whatever possible to go through all that first. I don't want to just give up. I might love being pregnant and wouldn't have known what that was like.....then again, I might hate it. Either way, I want to have the chance to know what it is like. For me, that is important. When we first learned that Chris had issues, he didn't understand why I didn't just jump on adoption. He said it wouldn't be his DNA anyway. No, but I had to explain the importance of going through pregnancy and how much I desired to do that. I think it brought a whole new prospective to him.


  1. Tuesday. I was hoping for tomorrow. I feel like I am just as nervous and excited as you are (even though I know you are WAY more nervous and excited). If you would like Mackenzie and I to come visit you while you are on bed rest let me know. We could help you out however you need.

    Oh, and you will LOVE being a mom and being pregnant. I had awful morning sickness for about 16 weeks where I threw up 6-7 times a day, then the day that went away I had awful heartburn the rest of the pregnancy. It was so bad that sometimes it made me throw up. But guess what...I still LOVED being pregnant. I was so happy and felt great and enjoyed nurturing the little life growing inside of me. It is quite and amazing process, and I really want to be a part of it with you.

  2. You go girl! I find myself praying for you all the time. I am excited and nervous for you too.

    We will keep praying. Do you know how many they will put back in??


  3. Thank you so much for all the prayers! I am not positive on how many we will put back in. We want to talk to the doctor about options. I am thinking we are going to put in 3.

  4. Best of luck Laci. I'm sure your ecstatic and nervous all at once. I'll continue to pray for you. I hope everything works out.

    -Kentyl Edwards

  5. That's great girl! Still keeping thoughts and prayers strong. Isn't it crazy to think that your future baby(ies) are already essentially conceived? That's just awesome. Can't wait to hear how everything goes!!
