Friday, July 24, 2009

Only 4 more days!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to update you on things. We are still playing the waiting game. We will find out for sure on Tuesday, July 28th. I am soooooo excited to just finally find out and be able to move on to the next step (whichever that may be). I have had two great reports from the doctor's office. I went today for blood work. When they called the nurses exact words were, "Dr. Haddad says that everything looks great! Continue all medications like we have been doing. Come in at 7:30am on Tuesday for a confirmation." I am taking that as a GREAT sign. I am taking that as "it worked and we need to confirm with a blood pregnancy test." Guess we will see......

I have an inservice all day on Tuesday, so I will not be able to post anything on here until later that evening. I will let you all know one way or another as soon as possible.

I am feeling great. I get naseaus each morning for a little bit and then it goes away. I have been SOOOOOO tired. I take about a 2 1/2 hour nap daily. I am not sleeping great through the night, but I think that is because my mind races with the thoughts of what next.

I am trying to get things together for August to come. It is just around the corner. We will be back at work again. I am trying to decide how to get things setup and arranged in my room when I can't lift, pull, or do anything. Guess I will be asking for lots of help. Anyone not busy with their own rooms or work are more than welcome to come help me.

Continue to pray. I am feeling good about this. I had the most awesome prayer on Thursday night from a group of incredible women (and the guys too). I really felt blessed! I have so much positive hope about this. If we do get a confirmation that this is positive (as I am feeling it is), then I will let everyone know, but please continue to pray because we are not out of the clear for a while. I am still a "high risk" pregnancy until after the 4th month because of all the fertility treatments. This is the first time that I have really felt like God has taken away those negative feelings and allowed me to think completely positive. I have a good feeling. Hope to share good news with you all soon. If for some reason it is not good.....well we accept it, deal with it, decide what to do next, go through the crazy emotions of anger, disappointment, hurt, etc., and then we move on. Never give up faith!


  1. Praying, praying, praying!!!!

    The nurses words sound really great. That gives a person reason to 'hope positive' as you said. :)

    When do you find out how many babies you are carrying? Would that also be on Tuesday, or is there more waiting involved?

    Mackenzie and I could help with your room sometime. Of coarse, that would mean a 1 year old would be helping, so I will leave that decision up to you.

  2. I can't wait to hear on Tuesday! You better text me ASAP! I MEAN IT! Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way!! :)


  3. I know we've never met yet (which we should try and do. Maybe me, you and Sara?), but I've thought of you often over the past week and am anxious to hear your baby news. We are scheduled to begin Day 3 shots tomorrow if all is well. I am praying for peace for you and your husband!
