Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Transferring the Embryos

Today was the big day! We went to the hospital around 11am and started our procedure to implant the embryos. Dr. Haddad came in and talked to us about how many were ready and what plan we needed to do. He said that they fertilized all 18 embryos and that two were ready to be implanted. He would be ready to freeze 6 more later today and then another 6 would be ready to freeze tomorrow. The remaining 4 had not made it. The news kinda upset me because I wanted to do 3 and I would have loved for all of them to make it, but he said that this was still a really good thing. Not to worry! Yah right....how can I not worry.

I had taken a valuim when we arrived and it was setting in about the time we went into the procedure. Chris looked all cute in his smurf suit :) I layed on the table as if I was having a pap done. They even use the same spectum. Dr. Haddad cleaned the cervix area so that no infection would take place. He then used a catheter to route to the uterus. We got to watch everything on a ultrasound monitor. Once the catheter was in place, we saw two little bubbles go into the uterus. These were our little embryos or future Crowsons. The nurse brought us over a picture of the two embryos and printed out an ultrasound with an arrow pointing to our babies. I almost lost it during this time. At this time, I was sleep deprived and the valium had really kicked in. They moved us from the surgery room to a recovery room. I had to stay there for at least 45 minutes. I don't remember much of that. I think I slept through the majority of it.

Now I am on to my three days of bed rest. Novia and Natalie came by already today. It really helped this afternoon go by fast. It hurts my back to lay like this, but I know it will all be well worth it. I am still nervous about this, but more excited. I think I am worried about being let down again. I know now that I need to just leave it all up to God. It is all in His hands now. All I can do is pray and follow the instructions of the doctor. (and try to not go insane being stuck on this couch).

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