Monday, June 29, 2009

Dr. Appt #2 6/29/09

Today was another routine bloodwork and ultrasound. We had a very busy morning. My appointment was at 8am and Chris' appointment for a colonoscopy was at 9am. I went to my appointment and Dr. Haddad said that everything was coming along wonderfully. I still have about 12 eggs on each ovary and they are all growing. He shows me the monitor each time so that I can see what he is talking about. I go back on Wednesday for another bloodwork and ultrasound. This time Chris has to go as well for some bloodwork and a urine test.

Chris' colonoscopy went well too. They found that he had a small pollup that they removed and he has hemrroids (we already knew that). Thank God for more good news!

We are looking forward to the next appointment. Until then I have to continue giving myself the injections in the tummy each night. Keep making those eggs grow!

1 comment:

  1. I think it is great that you are doing a blog. It will be great to be able to look back on your journey. I have a very close friend that has a very similar story. She now has 2 year old twin girls and wouldn't change one thing. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
