I took a test on Monday (day 6 after embryo transfer) with the expectation that it would be negative. I wanted to make sure the HCG had left my system. It was a negative and I was actually relieved. I decided to take another test on Wednesday (day 7 after embryo transfer) not expecting there to be a change yet. I did a lot of research that said you shouldn't see anything on a urine test until after day 9. I was in total shock when the test came back POSITIVE! I couldn't believe it. The second line was very faint, but it was there. I didn't want to jump ahead, so I didn't tell anyone. Thursday (day 8 after embryo transfer) I woke up at 5am and decided to go ahead and take another test. This one too was positive. This time, I woke Chris up to come to the bathroom and see. He wasn't too excited about being woke up at that time, but once he saw the test, he was excited. I wasn't convinced so I did another test on Friday, Sunday and Monday. They were all positive :)
Tuesday we went to the doctor for bloodwork and the official "confirmation." The nurse told us that we were testing positive. We were glad to finally hear it from the officials. On a side note, if you use Dr. Haddad or Houston IVF, you can see all your test results online each day. I could have seen that we were testing positive a lot earlier, but they forgot to tell me that. It wouldn't have helped much because there is no explanation on what the levels mean. I did some research online and then went back and looked at them so that I could understand what it meant. It is good now because I know that your HCG levels should at least double every 36-48 hours. Now, I know how to figure if they are where they should be according to the previous bloodwork. I still don't understand the progesterone and estradol, but that doesn't really matter. As long as I am getting the "everything looks great" signal from the doctor, then I feel good.
I am still a little nervous right now. I think I will be doing better after next week. We should be getting to do an ultrasound then that will allow us to see the sac (or sacs). We will know how many babies we will be having. We will also know that everything looks ok. I can't wait to hear the heartbeat too. That will all reassure me that everything is ok.
How am I feeling? Well I am having some issues with the progesterone injections right now. I have a sore rear end. I am going to try a couple more things to see if it helps ease it. I am not sleeping at night. I can't get comfortable and my rear end hurts all night. I am sleepy ALL the time. If I sit still for too long, I will go to sleep. I get queezy in the mornings if I don't eat, after I eat, and sometimes other times during the day. I haven't thrown up yet :) I have lost 6 pounds since we started this round of IVF. I don't know how that is possible seeing that all I do is lay around and eat. If this worked in all cases, I am sure we would all give up the workouts for the lazy route. Last time, I gained 20 pounds with the IUI treatments. I was able to lose 10 but the other 10 were hard to get rid of. I am glad to see this 6 go. I am sure I will gain more than that back during the next 9 months. Overall, I am feeling pretty good. I do get some cramps that feel like I would be starting my period, but I have read and heard that is very normal during this time.
Right now, I am approximately 4 weeks and 6 days along. They count your pregnancy starting with the first day of your last period. This includes ovulation, conception, and implantation. I found this interesting, but I will go with whatever I am told about this situation.