Friday, June 26, 2009

Starting a blog

Hello all and welcome to my blog. I had several people tell me that I should start a blog to update, educate, and express my feelings during our journey through invitro fertilization (IVF). I was hesitant about it at first, but decided it might be a good idea. I have learned so much about infertility during our struggles over the last 4 years. I hope that this helps educate others as well. I also figure that this is a good way to keep track of what I am going through. I think it would be neat to print out some of these and add to a baby book for our child(ren).

This is just a prewarning, I am going to be detailed about some of the procedures and the emotions going on. I want to keep it as real as possible. Please if you have ANY questions, please, please, please feel free to ask me. I will also take all the prayers and encouragement that you all want to give :)

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