Saturday, August 15, 2009

Been too long....time to update everyone

Hey all! I am so sorry it has been so long since I have updated. I told you all about our successful pregnancy and then just left you hanging. If you are on facebook then you have probably had more than what you have wanted to know about this process.

So we have had three ultrasounds since I posted that we are expecting. Our little "dot" is growing just like it is supposed to be growing. The first ultrasound was around 5 weeks. Honestly I couldn't see anything but a little dot which is how we got the name "dot." We then went back on August 6 when I was 5 weeks and 6 days. This time I could actually see something. It looked like two little dots hanging down from the top of my uterus. One of the dots was moving up and down pretty fast. The ultrasound technician told us that was the heartbeat. I almost cried. How amazing to see this little bitty thing inside of me with a beating heart. It is so awesome to know that even though this is so tiny, it has a heart, it is already determined if it will be a boy/girl, left/right handed, eye color, hair color, etc. AMAZING!!!! Chris and his mom were able to be there for that ultrasound which made it even more special. The last ultrasound I had was this past Tuesday (August 11). I was at 6 weeks and 4 days. "Dot" had grown a lot in just a few days. The nurse was able to record the heartbeat and it was 120 beats per minute. She said that was right on target. I got back on Thursday, August 20. I am so blessed each time that I get to see our little miracle growing.

At first we were disappointed that there was only one baby, but we know that this baby is God's gift to us. This is God's child that we are blessed enough to raise.

So far things have been pretty good. It took me a while to get a prenatal vitamin that wouldn't make me throw up all the time. I am taking Premisses. They have extra vitamin B so that it helps ease the stomach. I had to take Flinstone vitamins while in Illinois visiting and that helped. My doctor just preferred that I take these other vitamins. I am also taking Juice Plus vitamins. They are a natural way to get the amount of fruits and vegetables you need each day. I know I don't eat enough vegetables, so it won't hurt. The doctor said that it is safe and I won't get too many vitamins. Friday was my first day of true morning sickness. I was in the middle of cooking french toast and had to stop to run to the bathroom. Today, (Saturday) I had day sickness. I guess it is going to just happen whenever. I don't is all worth it. I am still taking the estradil pills, the estrogen patch, and the progesterone shots. The shots have gotten SOOOO much better. Can't even tell anymore. Chris just warms up the oil before doing the shot, pinches the skin where he injects, and rubs the area afterwards for a few minutes. Everything else is going well. I am reading a couple books to prepare myself and getting ideas for the nursery.